Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm still alive!

and I haven't forgotten about you! Lots of stuff going on right now, with no time to blog about it! I promise a long update soon! Hank has been keeping busy as well, sharpening up his gaming skills.

Wes, Hank, Cam. Hardcore.
See my started T-shirt rug perched on the throw pillow? 

Something more soon, I promise!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Flashback Friday: 3/8/2013

Mama Bear, chillin' like a villain.
She's on my brain today. Love you, Mom!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Flashback Friday: 2/22/2013

Aunt Bubbles,  Uncle Butch
Aunt Shell, Mom
This was taken in my front yard, though obviously at the time it was my Gram's front yard. It's weird because the background view looks exactly the same.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I really am doing stuff...

These have been a hectic couple of weeks. I have two 52 weeks projects in the works, and I'm pretty excited by them. Just have to get them done and take some pictures.

Lately I've been working on a lot of Spotted Owl Weddings information, trying to get everything for that worked out and tied down. It's so hard to plan some things, even just working out prices I know I'm comfortable with is challenging...trying to figure out how much staffing we'll need, how many times we'll have to meet with the bride/photographer/caterer/crazy mothers, how much the utilities would go up for a wedding, how much hosting a reception would cost us in the terms of potential damages, where other sweet reception sites are located and how much they cost...super challenging. It's also hard because I'm the type of person who loves to save money where I can, and I really want to be reasonable without underselling ourselves. We won't really know until we do it, I guess. The actual B&B room rates and prices were so much easier for me to lock down for some reason. (Maybe because I researched them for a year before we moved forward, ha ha ha.) We initially thought that wedding hosting would be more of a side business, just something for fun and not our main source of income, but after a month of our website being up with no advertising whatsoever (aside from my shameless Facebook plugs, sorry friends!), I've received so many emails about it that I'm reconsidering how much it could impact our profits. It's definitely something to think about, I guess. I'm throwing around the idea of having a fake wedding party, or maybe a vow renewal for a really laid back couple, so we can kind of see how things go. We'll see. I have to get through the renovations first. Which is SO EXCITING!!! I can't wait to see it done.

I'm also really excited about some of the investor rewards we've come up with to raise money for the Spotted Owl. So here's a short list...

After months of thinking about it and a total lack of inspiration for them, I found a good way to get around the problem of naming the that's now a reward for higher investors! Who doesn't want to buy the right to name a room after Great Aunt Myrtles favorite cat? Or for/in memory of someone you love, your favorite author or the book you wrote, your band, or just some random word that has a special meaning for you. I think it's awesome, and will make the rooms even more unique and special. We are making really cool permanent plaques that will be placed outside the rooms, with the name and explanation of who it's for and who named it. Plus you get a free stay in your room every year, and a 10% off card which applies to all regular rates and events. Super awesome, all for $5,000 investors. Only six available. Coolest gift ever.

If you're really generous and donate $10,000, you get to name the honeymoon suite. I think we could also do well pushing this to local businesses, because it's such a unique way to advertise. That name is going to be seen by so many happy people on romantic weekend getaways and will be seen in countless wedding photographs. I'm so pumped.

For those two people out there that think it would be really funny to name a public restroom after your spouse, you can name one of ours for $4,000.

We are also selling rights to name our pews (sweet vintage wooden pews with bright red upholstery! LOVE THEM!), and placing plaques on the side with the name of your choice and who donated them. $1,500 per side.

For the peeps that want to help out but don't have a lot to invest, don't be sad! We have a lot of lower dollar rewards, such as T-shirts, photography packages, vintage aprons, hayrides, and handmade goods.

As soon as I get my brochures done, get ready to see me peddling.

So that's basically what I've been doing for the past two weeks. Thinking, thinking, thinking. If anyone has any ideas for fundraisers, let me know. The more we raise, the more cool stuff we can do with the B&B!

And don't forget, go check out my buddy Emily over at That girl is hella productive with the 52 weeks project, photographing it and blogging it. I need to take some notes.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Flashback Friday: 2/15/2013

In honor of my very favorite Valentine, I didn't have to flash back quite so far this time. Here are some pictures of Wes when we first started dating, around 2005ish. He looked like such a hooligan. Lots of metal in the face. I guess he still kind of looks like such a hooligan, even with less metal in the face. He lived in an apartment building that had a playground out front, and we had way too much fun with that on a regular basis. We got the swords and armor from an after-Halloween sale, and it was all down hill from there.

Wes & Sarah, taking over the playground.
Vanquishing Foes. 
Bowling with sunglasses?
End of the Year SCRUFF.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

52 Weeks Project: Week 5

Fasnacht masks!

James & Katy
The past week was spent preparing for our first trip to Fasnacht in Helvetia, WV, which was a pretty bizarre experience. I had a fun craft day with my pal Katy, just working on ideas and avoiding hot glue related burns. I ended up making a deer mask out of felt, lace, buttons and yarn. I made the antlers out of some wire coat hangers with a knit/crochet combo cover on them. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I see a large knit taxidermy project in my near future.

Fasnacht was definitely an experience, I for sure recommend you check it out in the future.

Some highlights from the evening...

Fasnacht 2013
Driving for hours annoying my husband with my awesome musical taste and car singing abilities with my besties.

Dinner at the Hutte. (ABSURDLY GOOD Swiss-German food!)

Me being introduced as "Jen's older sister". (NOOOOO!!!)

Banjo/fiddle music and beer in the Star Band Hall...

Getting told by some dude I went to high school with and haven't seen in years that I might look like I've had a baby...

Getting told by the same dude I went to high school with that his 4 year old knows quantum physics...HA!

Joining a candlelit parade of masqueraders traveling to the community hall (where Old Man Winter hung in effigy from the ceiling)...

Listening to people address the back of Katy's mask...

Creepy Inspector Gadget channeling lurker...

Awesome Jesco White channeling old dude...

Square dancing, more beer...

Hardcore costume judging rewarded by tiny Swiss flags.

More square dancing!

More beer!

Wes has no filter on his mouth!

Festivities continued until midnight, when Old Man Winter is cut down, carried on the shoulders of the celebrants to the bonfire outside, and burned to signal the end of Winter.

How cool is that?

Though I do have to admit, the three hour drive home made me cave into my old ladyness and we left before midnight.

Sorry friends who carpooled with me!

All in all though, it was a pretty awesome time.

Wes & James
The back of Katy's head!
Crow Girl.
Thanks to Katy Peno for taking some pictures, my camera didn't make it out of my purse. I'm working on that.

On a side note, I'm sorry this is such a sloppy post, I only had five minutes!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Flashback Friday: 2/8/2013

Field Trippin'
As children we were homeschooled until 8th grade (excluding 3rd grade, when we tried a private school that wasn't a good fit). I know you hear a lot of mixed things about homeschooling, but we had an incredibly positive experience with it. My mom was on top of crap, for real. I toy with the idea of homeschooling Henry, but I'm not sure I could be as driven and structured as my mom was. We will see.

This picture was taken after a field trip to Laurel Caverns. We had stopped for lunch at McDonalds, and this was a giant creepy Grimace that you could crawl inside. Notice the twins dressed like twins. Good times.

Happy Friday!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Flashback Friday: 2/1/2013

Burly Man, Luke, Mom, Eagle
Mom and my youngest brother Luke, around 10 years ago. This made me laugh so hard. "Born to Ride". Enough said.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Three Years Ago Today...

I found out I was pregnant. Time certainly flies. 

"Should I take another one?"

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Henry Lately.

Henry has been so awesome this week. We've only had a couple of "Mommy IS NOT a big hill today!" instances since I've hurt my back.

Some Henry lately...

He wears these fake glasses without lenses all the time.

He has discovered most super heroes also have "other names", and now knows who Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne and Ben Grimm are. He gets mad when he's given conflicting information from Mommy and Daddy. (How was I supposed to know Wolverines name isn't really Logan but is actually James Howlett???)

He thinks Uncle Michael lives in the elevator at work. (That's what happens when you creep elevators, Uncle Michael!)

He has scary sharp little vampire teeth.

He is starting to put super heroes into their groups! (Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor are the Avengers, Batman works with his sidekick Robin, The Thing and Human Torch are part of the Fantastic Four...) Nerd!

He can count up to 14 now, without any mistakes. He knows some of the numbers after that, but doesn't get them in order.

He thinks Will Arnett on Arrested Development is very entertaining for some reason. Henry hawk-eyes him when he's on the screen. I guess he is a pretty weird looking guy?

He has started making different scenarios when he's driving his car, like "Goin' to see Santa cause he's nice!" or "Goin' to Wal-Mart to get STICKERS!"

He likes to tell Wes that he's his best friend. So cute.

He's getting better at relaying what he did in school that day, like "Henry painted!", "Miss Linda told a story!", or sometimes "NOTHING, Mommy."

He's always trying to talk (force) my Grandma into making him pancakes, regardless of the time of day. "Pancake! Get the griddle HOT! Make it! PUT BUTTER ON IT!!!" (In his defense, she does make some slamming good pancakes.)

He's learning a ton of songs, and he's hilarious to watch sing and dance, which he does with extreme gusto.

His hair is getting so long, but (aside from his bangs) I can't make myself cut it yet.

He still loves puzzles. They were getting a little too easy but I didn't think he was quite ready for bigger puzzles yet, so we decided to make them a little more challenging by mixing a couple of puzzles together. Still fairly easy to sort, like animals with cars or people with airplanes, but it holds his attention longer. Plus, it's fun to watch him check out each piece since it might not go with the puzzle he's doing. "Nope, not this. Nope, not this. THIS ONE, MOMMY!"

This kid is so tall. He's going to outgrow his petite daddy.

He always has to inspect fruit for the sticker.

He's such a good sport about almost everything, and he loves loves loves to "help".

He knows how to turn his tiny DVD player on and start the movie, which is great when you're lying on the floor unable to move.

He's really, really into giving Jen's boyfriend a complex, calling him "Old Ritz" all the time.

He's such a joy to be around, such a bright happy kid.

I sure do love you, Henry Bean!

52 Weeks Project: Week 4

Man, what a week this has been. Immediately after writing my last post, my back went out again. So I'm still happily hobbling around. Still sucks, but it's better than the day it happened.

Sticking to the positive, over here.

Being stuck on the couch really did help with my crafting productivity. The weeks making...

First up...

Giant Flower Hot Pad!
I am a collector of a few random different vintage things like salt shakers, mugs, aprons and casserole dishes. Mom stuff. I am a little silly with my collection of weird hot pads, but I still haven't found a really big one to use with my larger Pyrex dishes. I had a bunch of turquoise rope in my stash, so I decided I could fix that problem. 
Giant rope, giant crochet hook, very simple basic flower pattern. Super fast, super easy. I'm definitely an instant gratification kind of girl. 

Next up...

Scarf it up.
I made a knit/crochet combo scarf for Henry to sharpen up my yarn skills. I apologize for the terrible pictures, I have the worst little point and shoot camera ever and at this time I was still too focused on my back to give a crap about the lighting. Maybe I'll add "sweet new camera" to my list of things to save up for. Oh, well. I'm really happy with how it looks in person, very textured and crazy. It's a total mishmash of practice Intarsia, cables, popcorn stitches and different granny squares. But it DOES have a sweet pocket with a whale on it for mitten stashing.

I've also been working on more quick projects to sell at a future B&B fundraiser, so I made a few little things for that. I have a bunch of turquoise safety pins I found at a garage sale several years ago (for 10 cents!) and I have been trying to figure out what to do with them (since I feel like I'm now a little too old to just stick them through my ears). So I ended up cutting them, attaching simple owl beads, and adding hooks. Hello, big batch of owl earrings.

The last project for this week involves putting to use some of my vintage aprons and embroidery thread. One of the different things we are doing with the B&B involves using aprons as uniforms and we are also hoping to sell a variety of them in our gift shop. So if Great Aunt Mabel leaves you stash of cool aprons, send them my way. I'm trying to get together a few for the previously mentioned fundraiser, and added a little embroidery to one this week. 

Don't be a jerk. 
So that's that.

I hope everyone else is having a great week. 

Don't forget to see what Emily is making over at

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up.

Well, I've finally done it.

I have officially joined the Velickoff "HELP!!!! I've thrown out my back!" Club.

Perks of this club:

-Spending 2 hours on the kitchen floor, flipping out because your kid is eventually going to wake up from his nap and demand a banana.

-Sniper crawling all over the house to hunt down the phone.

-Calling a bunch of people and scoring lots of sympathy because you are crying hysterically into the phone. (Unless you're calling my father, then you just get a "Happy Birthday! Ha ha ha!". So much pain, almost dropped the F bomb on my dearest dad.)

-Freaking out your kid because you are crying while getting him previously mentioned banana. Henry was incredibly sweet. He covered me up with his Hulk blanket (and his banana peels) and watched his car DVD player while we were waiting for help. Best kid ever.

-Family Saviors! My little bro Michael came and saved Hank, and my awesome mama took me to the doctor despite having a million things to do before leaving for the weekend. Love them!

After we gimped up the stairs (STAIRS?!) to the doctor, I got sat on by a rather large man (personal space?) who sort of fixed my back. Somewhere between there and home, swelling went crazy and my back went out again. Fun stuff. Went back yesterday, got sat on again, and so far it's better. Better as in I can sit up straight and walk around. Still hurts like a mother. According to the doctor, a vertebrae was stuck sideways and now that it's back in, it's going to continue to feel like a bad sprain.

In conclusion, this sh*t is whack. I am deeply sorry if you have ever had back pain, chronic or otherwise. I was not nearly sympathetic enough. I probably made you bench press my kid and lift heavy boxes and touch your toes. My bad, guys.

I did manage to bust out a few projects this week before the back drama, and I found my camera charger, so more on those later.  In the meantime, check out Emily's crazy productivity.

Have a safe weekend!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Flashback Friday: 1/25/2013

My dad...

Mike Velickoff, 1986

Stuff I love about this guy...

He's freaking hilarious. 

He's the type of person who, while driving, thinks it's really funny to smile and wave frantically at strangers passing just to see the return half-wave and look of total confusion on their faces..."Did we know that guy?"...

I can't tell you how many times I've had the crap scared out of me by him screaming around corners on some of my childhood midnight bathroom runs.

He will ALWAYS laugh at fart jokes.

He can build anything out of anything. He helped us extensively remodel my great-grandma's house a few years ago. We couldn't have done it without his help. I never would have made it through the bats and the bat crap. Thanks, Dad!!!!

He can act like a big 12 year old. When I was in high school, his response to a smart remark my best friend Autumn made- Dad tackled her, took her SHOE, threw it across the K-Mart parking lot, and tried to throw her in a mud puddle while laughing like a maniac the entire time.

He is a great Dad. Growing up with someone who has such a sense of humor was something I will always appreciate. Even if he did stuff like this...

"You can ride on it! It's just a deer!"
I know. He's a baller. I love you Dad!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Late Night Phone Calls...

Hank last night on his pretend phone, in reference to Jen's boyfriend...
Me: Who are you calling?
Hank: Calling Rich.
Me. You're calling Uncle Butch? Why?
Hank: NO, calling OLD RICH. See what he's doing.
Me. Oh, okay. What's he doing?
Hank: (in withering voice) He's seeing Aunt Jen and Blue.
Me: What's he saying?
Hank: (in even more withering voice) He's not there Mommy. It's not real.

The Twins are 28!

Happy Birthday to us. Twins doing twin stuff...

Turtle Dancing.
I hope I'm laughing like a goose.
(That's our brother, not our pimp.)
Family Reunion.
(seemed like such a good idea at the time.)
Hot or Not?
Twins doubling as photo props.

And the NOW.

Happy birthday, Jen. LYLAS!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Four Years and One Kid Later...

I'm still pumped I can fit into this dress. Get ready for a picture heavy post.

Spent the weekend photo-shooting with my besties. Autumn is trying to add to her wedding photography portfolio, and I didn't need much of an excuse to dig my dress out of the closet. She probably couldn't have asked for more awkward, unphotogenic subjects. Super fun, even if it was like 18 degrees outside. "Hey Autumn....CHEEEEEEESE!!"

Awkward and convinced I was going to leave a giant dent in the car. 

And then...I couldn't get back up.


Fun stuff. Lots of giggles. Thanks for a fun time, Oppie. 

Some pictures from the actual big day, 11-1-08....

We got married on my grandparents anniversary in a vintage movie theater in downtown Morgantown. It was super cool. One of the best days of my life, for sure. 

Historic Warner Theatre, Morgantown WV

Mr. and Mrs.
I went a little overboard on the handmade, I will admit. It was a little too much pressure on myself at the time, and I probably would outsource a little more stuff if I had to do it again. Some crap I made...

Envelopes for the Candy Buffet. 
Autograph Table.
Ring Pillow.
Best. Favors. Ever.
But it was a great time. I love my nerd husband. His vows included a Superman reference, of course. For serious. Love his Wes face. Some reception pictures...

Couldn't bend over then either. 

Happiest Flower Girl EVER.
On a side note about my flower girl Kara, she sobbed hysterically after the wedding because she thought we were going to go live at Disney World. I came home to the sweetest note from her saying I needed to come back with a little broken heart drawn on it. So. Cute. 

Another tidbit about my wedding for those of you who don't know about it: I ended up with a broken foot as a result of a bridesmaid-running man-exposed chest-heavy unknown gawker (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Even if I don't!) incident, and we spent our first married night in the ER watching the Shining. Good stuff.