Saturday, January 5, 2013

Some Henry Lately

Henry's vocabulary is increasing every day, and it's way exciting but he sounds so grown up sometimes, I just can't stand it. 

Everything is "Henry do it!".

He still loves to read, and hearing him read to himself is hilarious. "LOOK OUT! Evil Dr. Octopus is on the LOOOOSE!" 

His current favorite books are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear", anything with "superdudes" and "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus". Super fun. 

He thinks his stinkers are hilarious and loves to announce them. "Henry FARTED!"

He can spell his name now and he can count to 12. If you ask him to do either one to make him show off, he refuses. But if you give him some paper and tell him to write his name, he'll spell it out while he "writes" it. And if you ask him to count cheerios for you, he usually will...although he does still get stuck on three sometimes. "One...Two...Three....Three...uh, three...". 

He can now identify more superheros than I can. No idea what people do when they don't have a Wesley around to be all like "Oh, that's Kilowog." Right....I totally knew that?

He loves to talk on the phone, and he's getting a lot easier to understand by everyone but my dad...but in his defense, Henry always has to tell Pappy really random stuff like he's wearing octopus pajamas or Rango & Beans went to Dirt to get it's not entirely his fault. 

He loves pizza. 

He's been really into learning peoples "other names". Mommy is Jamie, Daddy is Wes, Henry is Bean or Henry Eisner or Batman Henry or whoever else he is that day, Pippy is Johnetta, Gammie is Sharon, so on and so on and so on. Your secret identity is not safe with him.

He is not very interested in the potty, though he will sit there forever if I let him look at the "Where's Waldo?" book. 

Sesame Street has finally been replaced by the new Avengers cartoon series. Yay!

He's the best thing ever. 


Jen caught Hank reading "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus". For your viewing enjoyment:

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